Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Victim

I'm anti-social, I'm moody, and it doesn't take a lot to get under my skin. But the thing I hate more than anything else (even more than forced humility), is people who play the victim. They constantly wallow in self-pity, taking every oppotunity they can to milk you for sympathy. Sometimes, these people deserve a little pity. Their lives may have not been easy. A person can only take so much hardship before they begin to grow self-centered. It's a matter of self-preservation I suppose. But the "victims" of the world take it a little too far. A day doesn't go by that they aren't saying, "Poor me," and most of the time, they get exactly what they're after.

After a while though, the patience of even the most empathetic individual will wear thin. Sooner or later, sympathy is replaced with one of two things: irritation, or pity. The Victim doesn't want to be on the recieving end of either of these; irritation for obvious reasons, and pity because it makes them look less "strong". But in the end, they're really not strong at all. If these people would take a moment and pull their heads out of their ass, they would see the pan-handlers on the street, and people trying to keep warm in boxes and newspapers in alleys. Chances are they would kill for what The Victim has. If they were to look a bit farther, they would see the people in Africa, living in mud huts, not having clean water to drink. They would see the thousands of people dying over there every year from malnutrition, and HIV. And what about the innocent people in Irac, getting bombed on a regular basis just because they happen to live in the same country that Sadam did? My point is, no matter how shitty your life happens to be, chances are there's someone out there who has it 100 times worse. So get the fuck over yourself, stop whining, and grow the hell up.

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