Saturday, September 02, 2006

Women and jerks. What's the appeal?!

The other night whilst I was whining to a male friend about a foolish infatuation, we began to talk about women and why they choose bad men over the nice guys. Come on ladies, don’t try to deny it. We always go after the horny bastards. Why is it that even when we have perfect gentlemen right under our noses, we chase the men we know will hurt us? What is the appeal? Is it really the bad-boy image that so many women claim to love? There doesn’t seem to be any logical reasoning behind it. Or is there?

From a scientific standpoint, there may be an explanation.

Idiot fact #002: Women go after men who have genetic immunities they are lacking.

To elaborate, when women are searching for a “mate”, they can sense instinctively from the pheromones men give off what immunities they have. Research has shown that women are more frequently attracted men who have immunities they do not because such a pairing will produce healthier offspring. However, this cannot account for all the women who fall for assholes. It just happens to damned often. Besides, there is no way that all men with good genes have bad personalities. I hope.

Thus we move on to one of my theories. I’m sure at one time or another, we’ve all heard the expression, “Lovers come and go, but friendships last forever.” When women meet men who are sweet, understanding, intellectually stimulating and easy to be with, it may be that they do not want to risk throwing away a valuable friendship by getting romantically involved with such a person. Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes friends “fall in love“, and they live wonderful lives together. But often, the relationship goes down the toilet because of preconceived notions and delusions, the friendship is ruined, and the ex-lovers can’t even stand to look at one another when the relationship finally ends. A lot of women are too frightened by the thought of that to take the plunge, and as a result the nice guy gets the short end of the stick.

It’s really a sad thing. Life is short, and we probably only live once. So what the hell are we waiting for? Why are we subjecting ourselves to lousy relationships when we have the chance to be with people who will give us the love and respect we deserve(well, some of us anyway)? Maybe this is just another one of those little mysteries we’ll never know.

(Disclaimer: I am not trying to imply that men don‘t end up in crappy relationships as well. If anything, men end up with bitchy wives even more often than women end up with jerk-off husbands. If anyone has any theories regarding this subject, feel free to post them in the comments section. I’d love to hear from you!)